Theater Apprenticeship

In 2022 the Person County Arts Council created the KCAC Theater Apprenticeship Program. The goal of the KCAC Theater Apprenticeship is to build up individuals with sincere interest in pursuing theater throughout life while also providing hands on experience and training in several different roles within the theatrical arts industry. These roles include but are not limited to: Choreography, Costuming, Set Design, and Props. Apprentices may also serve as Set Crew. Apprentices will work alongside an RLT Director on at least one production. Rehearsals for productions can run from approximately 4 weeks to 3 months. Apprentice needs will fluctuate depending on the productions in a given season. Apprenticeship may extend to another production within the same season. All applicants must live in Person County. This apprenticeship is completely voluntary and will benefit in learning experience and resume building.

 For a complete overview of our Theater Apprenticeship Program click here!

You can find the Theater Apprenticeship Application here!

Please send all completed applications to or drop them off at the Kirby Gallery during open hours!