Want to learn more about the Sappony Tribe and how they express themselves with art? Click the image above to view Sappony ArtThis movie explores the way art has shaped the lives of some of the members of the Sappony Tribe and how they have in turn influenced Person County with their artwork. With interviews and footage from over 20 artists, you will be delighted to learn about the artful ways of this native tribe.

The Sappony, formerly known as the Indians of Person County, are one of North Carolina's eight state-recognized American Indian tribes. The traditional homelands of the Sappony are in the High Plains settlement along the North Carolina - Virginia boundary line. The Sappony have inhabited the rolling hills of Person County, NC, and Halifax County, VA, since the early 1700s.

Paul Liggitt of Paul Liggitt Photography and Communications,, directed, and edited Sappony Art. Formerly a television director, he is a story-teller who used all his skills in camera work, lighting, interviewing, and aerial drone cinematography to create a visual picture of the Sappony artisans.

Sappony Art premiered Sunday, November 7, 2021 at the Kirby Cultural Arts Complex. This project was made possible by the Person County Arts Council, Person County Recreation, Arts & Parks Department, & Piedmont Community College with extensive support from the North Carolina Arts Council.

You can find more info about the Sappony Tribe:

(434) 585-3352

Sappony Insignia