Alley Mural Project

January 2020

This beautiful series of 8 mural-paintings depicts the history, buildings and majestic wildlife of Person County. As you walk down the alleyway, the murals evolve from monochrome to full-color, representing the growth of our cherished county over time. While some things change, the beauty that is Person County continues to grow and shine. Kate Lagaly writes, "Person County is a gorgeous place filled with interesting things to see and lovely, welcoming people. There is a variety of breathtaking scenery, interesting animals, and a variety of beautiful buildings throughout the county. These murals are a celebration of Person County. I hope you enjoy looking at the murals as much as I enjoyed painting them."
Installed across from the Person County Courthouse, this project is heralded by the Person County Arts Council and received funding from the Person County Tourism Development Authority and the Uptown Roxboro Group. Our deepest thanks go out to these groups for making this happen.
The murals have been gifted to the City of Roxboro, North Carolina. The latest installation of these murals was completed by Philip Fish and Rodney Blanks.
Additionally, we give our deep thanks to Wimp Slaughter for letting us showcase these murals on his building!


             S:\Pictures\Kirby Programming\Public Art\2018-19 Mural Project\Alley Mural Install 10.jpg    S:\Pictures\Kirby Programming\Public Art\2018-19 Mural Project\2020-Alley Mural Install 6.jpg